
Braised beef cubes from Quebec

500 g


"For your stews, pies, and shredded beef, nothing is better than these ready-to-cook cubes. Made from cuts that offer beautiful collagen and melting fat from the front of the beef, you will create tender and melt-in-your-mouth meat dishes."


    We work with local farmers in order to offer you pasture-raised Quebec beef. To assure quality, we choose producers who are conscientious about animal well-being, and focus on raising their cattle without hormones or antibiotics. We offer you beef equivalent to grade AAA or higher at all time. For unique flavour, tenderness and quality marbling, we prioritize the Angus breed.

    Cooking advice

    Cooking time : minimum 2h30 at 325ºF

    - Take out and temper the meat about 15 minutes before cooking.
    - Preheat the oven to 325ºF
    - Sear the meat over medium-high heat until your cubes are evenly coloured in an oven-proof pot.
    - Add in an aromatic broth of your choice.
    - Bring the preparation to a boil.
    - Cover and roast in the oven for a minimum of 2,5 hours.
    - Serve and enjoy.

    Ingredients and allergens

    Quebec Beef

    Additional information

    Quote : AAA
    Maturation : 14 days
    Quantity :1
    Provenance : Qc
    Race : Angus
    Portion(s) : 2 to 3
    Condition : Fresh